September 14, 2007

jaw-dropping hubris

continuing the arrogance theme of the mother load's previous post, rg would like to share a brilliant quote from our great nation's pm, courtesy of the ever-diligent and finger-on-the-pulse team at the road to surfdom.

while howard government ministers have, in the last few days, been ardently trying to out-score each other in the who-can-say-'team'-the-most stakes, it seems their leader is more than a little confused about the general concept of what a team is.

in today's courier mail, howard mused:

the opinion polls do indicate that my level of personal popularity is quite high, given i've been prime minister for 11 and a half years, it really is. in fact, my level of personal support is significantly higher than that of the party's. if the party's level of support in the opinion polls was as high as mine is, well, we'd be a different story.

what drugs is this man taking, and where can rg get some?

nothing like checking the egos at the door and pulling together as a team, john.

September 11, 2007

surely you jest...

rg just heard the most hilarious thing on the 7.30 report - transcript isn't available yet, so please forgive rg if it's not word perfect.

whata downer was having a good old natter with kerry, guffawing at ludicrous suggestions there's some angst in the liberal party room concerning top dog status. as an aside, if rg had a dollar for every time downer said the words "natural" or "unnatural", centrebet would be getting a tidy wager on the election outcome.

so what was the clanger? after being arrogant, patronising and dismissive, the minister said this:

the last thing anyone could possibly say about the liberal party is that it has been arrogant and dismissive of the australian people.

someone teach this man to spell irony.

update: rg sudders at the thought of putting foolish words in the mouths of ministers; that's something best left to themselves. so here it is, the official transcript version: the way, i'm making it absolutely clear that the last thing we are is arrogant and dismissive of the australian public.

hear that, joe voter? it's being made absolutely clear - listen up! you may have been confused, but apparently it's all crystal now: the liberal government are not - repeat, NOT - condescending or arrogant, so please adjust your personal observations now.